Software Engineer. Frontend Specialist. JavaScript Developer. FP Enthusiastic


Hi everyone!
My name is João! I'm a Brazilian Software Developer, married to Tamara Lavoier, my love with who I have two dogs, Pudim and Geléia. This is my family!
I was born in 1987 in Araçatuba where I grew up, and I started programming my first lines of code when I was 14 years old with a Duron 900MHz. VBScript/ASP, MySQL, HTML, and CSS were introduced in my life. I used to create many web applications by myself at home. 2009 was my day one; I sold one of my applications to my boss and got hired to maintain that. That was built using Php, Html, Css, Postgre, and JavaScript.
I completed my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in 2011, and after that, I worked using many technologies until I realized in 2015 that Front-End was a great passion when I started working with ES6+, React, and its ecosystem, implementing high-quality applications using TDD and CI.
Today I am working for Rain rounded of great worldwide professionals, creating awesome stuff, and providing an excellent experience for thousands of employees in the United States.
Actual languages: JavaScript(ES7+), Typescript; Libraries/Frameworks: React/React-Native, Next.js, Gatsby, Chakra.ui, Stitches, Styled-Components, Sass, Redux, Npm/Yarn, Webpack, Babel, Jest, Enzyme, React-Testing-Library, i18n-next, React-Query, SWR; Fundamentals: FP, OOP, Clean Code, Clean Architecture, Micro-Frontends, TDD, Restful; CI/CD: Github Actions, Azure Pipelines, Travis, Sonar, Coveralls; Databases: MySQL, Postgre; Agile: Scrum, User Story, Kanban, ORK's;